Thursday 18 February 2016

Wonderful Crazy Night by Elton John

This album grows on you, sparkles, fuzz and all. It is easy to listen, but with some delightful depth to some songs as well. Contemplative, energetic, fun and with lots of soul, Elton John still has it. I know, he has been around forever, right, and one would think that he would have gone bust in the energy - but this album proves otherwise. He still has it. He really does.

My favourite songs on this album are: Wonderful Crazy Night (Track 1), In the Name of You (Track 2), Claw Hammer (Track 3), I've Got 2 Wings (Track 5), A Good Heart (Track 6) and Looking Up (Track 7). Oh and Guilty Pleasure (Track 8) is my own guilty pleasure song. It is a song that will make anyone automatically start dancing. It is just such a bright, bright happy song. My absolute favourite song is still Blue Wonderful (Track 4), I really have a soft spot for this beautiful song.

This is Looking Up (Track 7). The energy is really remarkable, isn't it? He really is still rocking that music! Interestingly, a lot of the people in the band are pretty, well, senior. This really shows that one is never too old to make music - and energetic music, at that! This kind of enjoyment is really inspiring.

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